An Easy Mother’s Day Raffle

Mother’s Day events such as a breakfast, high teas or chick flick movie sessions can be the ideal opportunity to do a little extra fundraising.

Having a captive audience with attendees in good spirit makes the fundraising “Ask” that little bit easier.

Schools can also conduct a Mother’s Day raffle to coincide with their Mother’s Day Stall.

An online raffle can commence well before your event and be cross promoted with the event to capture ticket sales from those who possibly can’t attend the event or don’t live nearby.

Most Australian states will not require a raffle permit to be issued when your prize pool is under $5000.  Without a permit needed, an online raffle can be established and Live on the internet in just 1-3 days.


Promoting your online raffle is easy.

Simply add a hyperlinked button or raffle page URL in your event invite email which takes people to your raffle page for a quick & easy add on ticket purchase.

On Facebook, for the duration of the promotion you can temporarily alter your Facebook cover to promote the raffle and change the Call to Action button to “Buy Now” with a hyperlink to the raffle page.

Schools send a note home with the children directing family to buy tickets online.  Ask them to share the link on Facebook and with work colleagues to grow your promotion.table_talkers_small_format_printing_270px

At a seated event you can have table talkers, placemats or menus printed with the raffle details and a link to the page.  QR Codes on printed promotional material are a great way to channel people to the raffle page.


The event MC can spruik about the raffle cause & prizes throughout the event.  Depending on the size of your event, you make have ticket sellers canvasing the area with iPads or tablets rather than paper ticket booklets.

Raffle Prizes

Approach female oriented businesses for donated prizes.  Often hairdressers, beauticians, day spas, and gyms are happy to donate a gift voucher for services as it can potentially win them a new client.  As an added incentive, offer to promote their business by thanking them for their kind donation in your emails, Facebook posts and on the online raffle page.

Hampers, restaurant dinners and movie tickets are also welcome Mother’s Day raffle prizes.  For more raffle prize ideas visit our raffle prize mega list.

We also offer a prize sourcing service for time poor fundraisers.

Thermomix raffles have been proving quite popular over the last few years.  The great part is you don’t have to pay/order the Thermomix until the raffle is over and you have a prize winner!

Casuarina Street Pre School in NT have conducted a sell out Mother’s Day Thermomix Raffle for the past two years. 250 tickets at $20, 2 months selling duration.

Drawing your Raffle

Drawing your raffle could not be easier.  A simple press of a button in your Raffle Administration Panel and the raffle will close. Another push of a button and the raffle will be drawn and winners notified by email.

What next?

To kick start your online raffle pronto, we’ll send through our Raffle Plan. Just say the word.