Father’s Day Raffle Ideas & Planning

If you don’t have your Father’s Day Raffle planned it’s not too late.  We’ll help you tick all your planning boxes to get your raffle launched in time. Conducting your raffle online means it can be up & running in just 1-3 working days.  Plenty of time for pre-Father’s Day sales. Now is the perfect […]

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Charity Fundraising

Raffle Ticket Printing vs Online Raffle

What’s better when it comes to Raffle Ticket Printing or Online Raffles Our blog will delve into the process of raffle ticket printing vs online raffles at every step of the process from production & prizes through to distribution, promotion, management and reporting. Fundraising Technology is Making Life Easier In today’s busy society more than […]

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Online Fundraising

Online Fundraising Idea – Raffle Case Study

Increasingly in today’s society people are looking for easy options for fundraising with demand creating the advent of online fundraising.  One relatively new online fundraising idea is an online raffle. Like many schools St Scholastica’s College P&F Association decided to conduct a Mother’s Day raffle and the coordinator, Linda was handed the task. Let’s see […]

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Thermomix Raffle

The Key to an Ideal Thermomix Raffle

We have conducted an increasingly large number of Thermomix raffles all of which have been quite successful so I thought I would share the secret of their success. I was surprised to learn from a friend that the Thermomix has apparently been around for many years.  My ignorance regarding kitchen devices aside, many of you […]

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School Raffle

School Raffle Reaches New Heights

Social change is very evident in modern day schools with time-poor parents struggling to meet the volunteer commitment which was the backbone to school fundraising in earlier decades. By harnessing fundraising tools to help them work smarter and not harder, organisers can coordinate a decent school raffle fundraiser with much less effort. This year we […]

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School Raffles - RaffleLink

School Raffles for Time-poor Parents

So you’ve been handed the reigns to coordinate the dreaded school raffle and naturally you aspire to creating a “bigger & better raffle that tops previous years”. With or without handover notes, you know it’s going to be tough as you collate in your mind a task list – prizes, permits, ticket distribution, money handling, […]

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