Individual Fundraising

Individuals, groups or workplaces can now conduct a RaffleLink raffle in order to raise funds for their favourite charity.

Important Note: A raffle must be conducted to benefit a non-profit organisation only and may not be conducted to benefit an individual, except in Queensland. Visit our Blog Can I Fundraise for an Individual to learn more.


With online raffles individual fundraising for charity is now easier

• Use for Charity Travel Challenges or other CEO / Corporate Challenge events where you are required to fundraise prior to challenges
• Fundraise alongside or as part of a team of like-minded people
• Widen the reach of your fundraising by leveraging your social media contacts
• Collect money immediately (no need to chase payments)
• Built-in social media to easily share your raffle throughout your workplace and beyond (place fundraising links on your e-signature, QR codes in the tea room)
• Benefit from our free marketing tools
• Less labour intensive – making it easier for you to fundraise on your own and around your existing commitments

Stress Free & Hassle Free Online Raffles

• No need to pre-purchase, design & print raffle ticketsFundraising Consultation - RaffleLink
• Wider reaching promotion using social media
• No ticket distribution, ticket recovery & accountability woes
• No daily record keeping maintenance
• Free marketing tools and artwork
• No money collection, counting, reconciliation, safe storage or banking
• Push button draw, winner notification & reporting
• Less time/human resources required to organise & conduct your raffle
• 24/7 ticket sales monitoring
• 24/7 access for ticket purchasers
• Receipt cash sales at an event eg.trivia night, morning tea or bbq


Keen To Find Out More?

See how RaffleLink works or Get Started Now!