School Raffles for Time-poor Parents

So you’ve been handed the reigns to coordinate the dreaded school raffle and naturally you aspire to creating a “bigger & better raffle that tops previous years”. With or without handover notes, you know it’s going to be tough as you collate in your mind a task list – prizes, permits, ticket distribution, money handling, volunteers, promotion, conducting the draw….

“If only there was an easier way.”
I told myself the very same thing. Well there is!

Traditional school raffles are very labour intensive but with the boom in social media, time-poor parents can now rely on a hassle-free online raffle platform to get their school raffle done & dusted without the stress.

We’ve designed a handy fundraising ebook for time poor parents. Click here to download your free copy and read our tips below.


Often sourcing prizes can lead to a delay in your raffle launch and also be so time consuming that you are exhausted by the time it comes to promoting and selling tickets. So why not outsource the hassle? Prize sourcing can be a valuable service allowing you to hit the ground running with your raffle and secure exciting prizes that entice ticket sales.

In most cases your school will not need a permit to conduct your raffle. Regulations differ from state to state, but all will be revealed in a phone consult to discuss your raffle plan.

Raffle Management
In our time-poor society, often both parents are working and it’s difficult to secure volunteers to get your raffle literally out of the school gate. The logistics behind distributing and recovering tickets as well as coordinating safe money handling and maintain adequate records takes hours and usually lands on one person’s shoulders – ie. you!
With an online raffle, you hand over the day to day raffle management to be effortlessly performed by a custom designed system, allowing you to shift focus to promotion and reaching your goal.

Paper tickets do limit sales to face-to-face which tends to keep ticket sales within the school community. An online raffle is easily shared on social media allowing you to reach beyond your local community and deliver easy online sales 24/7 that are often of a higher sales value. Access our online marketing tools to make promoting your raffle user friendly.

Finally the time has come for the raffle draw, perhaps at your annual school fete. Through your Client Admin Panel, where you’ve been monitoring your ticket sales, a simple push of a button activates the draw and email notifications are sent to the winners. Phew – and exhale.

School raffles don’t need to a struggle.  Take the pain out of your next school raffle fundraiser. Ask us how.