Who qualifies to use the RaffleLink Service?

All not-for-profit and community organisations and associations that are incorporated are eligible to use our online raffle service. Our clients include school P&Cs, sports clubs, community clubs, charities, not-for-profit organisations, political parties and event organisers.

Also, in some states, an individual or group of individuals may fundraise on behalf of a non-profit organisation.  Speak to us about your particular circumstances.


Can we register to raise funds to benefit an individual?

Queensland is the only state where it is possible to fundraise to benefit individuals who need help because of a disaster or a disadvantaged individual. Check with us for further information.


Will our organisation need a permit to conduct a raffle?

We provide all new enquiries with a free phone consultation to discuss your raffle plans and tailored advice regarding the permit requirements to suit your raffle. Our permit determiner function provides an overview of permit requirements.


How quickly can I get a raffle up and running?

A raffle can be registered and then launched within 1-2 hours.  Most clients will take a couple of days to launch after registering.  A raffle which requires a permit can take up to 1 month to launch due to the government permit application processing time.


Can I conduct an online raffle with a paper ticket raffle?

Yes you may combine paper tickets with our online system.  The onus is on your organisation to arrange the printing & distribution of the paper tickets. Contact us for further information.


Can I receive cash payments?

Yes, the RaffleLink system allows you to receive cash payments.  Entering cash sales is FREE!


Can I sell raffle tickets in more than one state?

Yes, the system allows you to nominate the state(s) where you wish to sell raffle tickets.  You must adhere to the regulations of each state and obtain permits where necessary.  We will provide you with tailored permit advice upon enquiry.


Can people outside of Australia buy tickets in my raffle?



What are RaffleLink’s service fees?

All raffles hosted via the RaffleLink system commence with a Setup Fee of either $39 for a single raffle or $120 for unlimited raffles for 12 months.
Once your raffle is created our service fee is 5.5% of card sales. Prices include GST.


What does the service fee cover?

Our service fee covers:

  • Unlimited contact with your raffle account manager
  • Establishing and hosting of your unique fundraising URL
  • Payment processing through a secure payment gateway
  • Includes ticket buyer’s credit card fees
  • A free marketing tool kit to help you promote your raffle
  • QR Code creator
  • 24/7 ticket sales monitoring
  • Account reconciliation for all payments
  • Ticketing management
  • System random draw and automated email winner notification
  • Sales reports


QR Code for Promotion

Create your QR Code via your Client Admin. Foremost we always recommend that you encourage buyers to scan a QR Code and visit the page on their own phone to make a debit/credit card purchase for the following benefits:

  • These sales are known to be 3+ times larger than if you were accepting cash.
  • Using their phones, event goers can be purchasing tickets simultaneously so there is less delay with the running of your event caused by ticket sales queues & system entry.
  • There is less administrative work for the ticket sellers/admin to enter the sales into the system.
  • The buyer’s details often populate the purchase fields on their phone resulting in a quick and accurate transaction.
  • There is less room for typo errors where the buyer then may not receive their ticket email which can affect the credibility of your raffle and future raffles.

You may also find this blog insightful https://qa.rafflelink.com.au/how-to-use-a-qr-code-to-sell-more-raffle-tickets/


How am I able to monitor my raffle’s progress?

You can login to your Client Admin at any time to see up-to-date ticket purchases and the number of tickets sold and remaining.


Is the purchase of tickets on a secure site?

Yes. RaffleLink utilises eWAY, one of Australia’s largest secure payment platforms for the purchase of raffle tickets.


Does RaffleLink charge a fee to the ticket buyer for using a credit card?

No transaction fees apply to ticket buyers. Your buyers will only pay for the ticket price with no additional charges.
During registration we offer the opportunity for our clients to ask ticket buyers to voluntarily contribute to the 5.5% service fee. This option is recommended as typically clients recover 1/3 – 1/2 of the full service fee.


Are raffle tickets tax deductible?

No. Unlike charitable donations, raffle tickets are NOT tax deductible.


What forms of payment during ticket purchase are accepted by RaffleLink?

Visa & Mastercard (both credit and debit cards) and cash.


Does the ticket buyer receive a receipt?

The buyer received 2 emails immediately after the purchase has been accepted. A credit card transaction receipt from eWAY and a ticket receipt from RaffleLink showing all the information regarding the raffle and their ticket number(s).


How old must I be to purchase a ticket?

You must be 18 years and over to purchase a ticket.


Is the personal information provided by those purchasing tickets stored securely?

Yes. RaffleLink stores ticket buyer’s personal information in a secure data storage facility here in Australia.


Raffle Promotion

Your success is our success! To this end, we are committed to arming our clients with the tools they need to effectively promote their raffles. In addition to our e-books, planning tools and free fundraising tips, we also offer current raffle holders access to a free suite of marketing tools. These tools include a number of resources such as artwork for Facebook, posters and flyers as well as content suggestions for newsletters and email signatures.


Who will draw the raffle?

We offer two methods for drawing your raffle – manual draw or auto-draw.

Manual draw – Is most often used when a client has incorporated the sale of paper tickets. The client is solely responsible for conducting a manual draw and notifying the winner. Online tickets may be printed to join the paper tickets in the barrel for the draw.

Auto-draw – Directly after the raffle closes, the client can conduct the online draw by simply pressing a button within their Client Admin.  The random draw software has been independently certified as required by Government departments.


Who will notify the winner(s)?

Following a system draw you will be emailed a list of the winners and their contact details so that you can get in touch personally.  Two days after the auto-draw, winners will receive a notification email from RaffleLink.  If enacting a manual draw, the client is responsible for notifying the winners.  In both instances, the client must publish the winner(s) details in a public space such as the organisation’s website within a reasonable amount of time after the raffle is drawn.


Raffle Funds Raised

RaffleLink will forward the proceeds of your raffle, less the nominated service fees charged by RaffleLink, to the client’s bank account within 2 working days of the raffle being drawn.  In Western Australian and Victoria, funds are deposited on a weekly basis as required by regulations.


Record Keeping

At the conclusion of the raffle, RaffleLink will supply the client with a full Sales Report (in csv format) and Financial Statement outlining revenue and RaffleLink’s fees. RaffleLink will retain the records of the raffle in a secure location, which will be available at the request of any Government department.


Can I make changes to my raffle?

Yes. After registration and before launch, most elements of the raffle may be changed via your Raffle Admin.

Once your raffle is live you can still make the following changes:
Add/change all images
Edit Headings and Raffle Purpose, current prize descriptions but NOT values
Add extra prizes to the end of your prize list as long as you remain below the permit threshold.

Major changes may incur a charge at the discretion of RaffleLink which will be advised at the time.


What happens if I wish to terminate our agreement?

Either party may terminate this agreement before the commencement of the raffle event, but must do so by written notification.
In the event of the client instigating the cancellation after the setup fee is paid then the setup fee will not be refunded.


What’s your privacy policy?

RaffleLink take every precaution to safely store sensitive personal information collected in the course of doing business.  RaffleLink will not utilise in any manner, the personal information of the raffle customers other than to generate reports that are provided to the fundraising beneficiary and are necessary to meet their record keeping obligation to the necessary Government Department. Read our Privacy Policy in full here.