Free Digital Tools For Fundraisers

There are many free programs and tools available for online fundraisers.

The hardest part of any raffle is reaching the people who you want to buy tickets. With these handy apps and programs, your raffle marketing will be easier and more effective.


We just love this amazing little design tool. You can create fabulous looking Facebook cover pics, timeline posts, instagram posts and even A4 posters and presentations using Canva. The program is free, extremely userfriendly and will ensure that your raffle’s promotional tools look visually appealing



Most not for profit organisations have a database of members and past supporters. Use Mailchimp to create a nice looking email to your database that promotes your raffle. Insert logos, pics, content and links to your RaffleLink raffle.

Mailchimp is extremely easy to use and is free for organisations with under 2,000 on their database.


Pexels and Unsplash

Visuals are everything in the marketing world. If you want people to take notice of your raffle and feel motivated to buy tickets, strong visuals are essential. Most not-for-profit organisations don’t have the budget for professional photography so Pexels and Unsplash are great free resources.


Google Drive

Teamwork is the cornerstone of every successful fundraiser. Share your raffle plan, marketing tools and progress updates with your committee using Google Drive.

QR Codes

QR Codes are similar to a bar code that are readable by mobile phone. More and more brands and organisations are using QR codes for marketing. Online fundraisers can use QR codes on posters, flyers, club table talkers, eDMS and loads more applications with the code directly taking users to your RaffleLink page. Genious! Generate your very own QR code for free using QR Stuff.

Do you have any other free digital marketing tips for other fundraisers? Share them with us via our Facebook page!