Corporate Fundraising Made Easy

By going online with their corporate fundraising raffle this year, Chartered Accountants ANZ were able to raise $8150 for their chosen charity, National Breast Cancer Foundation.

Chartered Accountants ANZ wanted to capture pre-event raffle ticket sales for those who would not attend their High Tea event, as well as making ticket purchases at the event as easy as possible for event goers with minimal disruption.

Not requiring a raffle permit, their unique raffle page was established within 3 days and ready to share with their community.
Pre-event promotion was simple – a hyperlink to the raffle page on their website and 3 EDMs (electronic direct mail) to their member based.
At the High Tea event, announcements were made by the MC at numerous intervals and a staff member circulated the room with an iPad. The host also placed a QR code link to the raffle on the event program.

Allowing for a last minute flurry of ticket purchases, the organiser announced that the raffle would close in 30 minutes. After this time had passed a simple press of a button saw the raffle close, followed by another press of a button to draw the raffle and dispatch winner notifications via email.

Chartered Accountants ANZ cited the main benefits of the online raffle for corporate fundraising as:-
• accessing additional pre-event sales
• being able to track the raffle’s progress
• removing the administrative hassle for their staff
• the simplicity of the raffle draw
• and being able to capture the ticket buyer’s details to pass on to their charity

Contact us to make your corporate fundraising a breeze with our complimentary Corporate Fundraising Guide.