Raffle Regulations for NSW – A Simple Guide

In Australia raffles are considered to be gambling and each state has its own raffle regulations overseen by a government body.  New South Wales is one of the easiest states in which to conduct a raffle. A decent size raffle may be conducted without any government permit paperwork which is fantastic news especially for small to medium non-profit organisations.

When planning a raffle your first consideration should be to review the raffle regulations for NSW which come under the heading of Competitions – Games of Chance.  Government websites can contain volumes of information to sift through so below we’ve provided you with a fast track to the important information.


In NSW you WILL NOT require a raffle permit if your prize pool is less than $30,000. Prize value is determined by what you would pay on the current market for the item.
Although you don’t require a permit, other raffle conditions do apply and this handy Raffle Fact Sheet will provide all the information you need to conduct your raffle legally.

Art Unions

Should your prize pool be greater than $30,000 then an Art Union Permit Application must be completed. As part of your application, a specimen of the raffle ticket and invoices for each prize must be submitted. The application has a checklist included to ensure you provide all the necessary information.
Read more about the conditions of this lottery in the Art Union Fact Sheet.

Quick Reference Regulations

Below is a quick reference to some standard regulations that apply to both raffles and art unions.
• Monetary Prizes are capped at $30,000
• Travel Prizes – Spending money with travel capped at 20% of prize value
• Liquor – Capped at 20L with less than 20% alcohol content OR 5L with more than 20% alcohol content
• Expenses including prizes capped at 60% (raffles) and 70% (art unions) of Gross Proceeds

Individuals fundraising for Charity

If you are an individual conducting a fundraising raffle on behalf on an organisation you will require permission in the form of a “Letter of Authority” from the non-profit organisation.  Individuals can apply for an Art Union Permit however a “nominee” of the non-profit organisation must sign off on the Application.

What next?

To kick start your online raffle pronto, we’ll send through our Raffle Plan. Just say the word.

If you’re planning to sell tickets in other states

Every state has their own raffle regulations. Please Get in touch with RaffleLink to receive free tailor-made permit advice for your next raffle.

This government information was up-to-date at the time this blog was published. Always check with the OLGR for the latest forms & fees.