Raffle Regulations for Queensland-A Simple Guide

In Australia raffles are considered to be gambling and each state has its own raffle regulations overseen by a government body. When planning a raffle your first consideration should be to review the raffle regulations for Queensland to ensure your raffle is legal.

Are you an eligible association?

In QLD an “eligible association” may conduct are raffle.  An eligible association is defined as —

(a) an association formed and operated principally for a charitable, community, patriotic or sporting purpose or a similar purpose prescribed under a regulation; or
(b) an association formed and operated principally for an educational or religious purpose; or
(c) a parents and citizens association formed under the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006; or
(d) a registered political party under the Electoral Act 1992; or
(e) another association prescribed under a regulation.

Further, as an eligible association you must

  • have a management committee that holds office for at least 1 year, elected by the members
  • hold regular meetings, including an AGM and keeps minutes
  • have a treasurer who keeps proper financial records which are presented at the AGM
  • operate banking accounts in the association’s name with cheques being signed by 2 signatories
  • have a constitution
Do you need a raffle licence?

Unlike other states which gauge their permit requirements based on the value of the prize pool, in Queensland your permit requirements are determined by your potential total ticket sales. This figure is calculated by assuming that all tickets sell at the highest dollar value which is usually the single ticket price, even though you may be offering discounted ticket packages.

In Queensland your organisation can fundraise to a maximum of $50,000 in Gross Proceeds (or total ticket sales) without requiring a licence which is great news for smaller organisations.

Although you may not require a licence for your raffle, other regulations do apply which are outlined below in the 3 main charitable gaming categories.

  • Category 1 – Raffles up to $2000 in Ticket Sales (Gross Proceeds) – No licence required
  • Category 2 – Raffles over $2000 but no more than $50,000 in Ticket Sales – No licence required
  • Category 3 – Raffles over $50,000 in Ticket Sales –Licence Required

For raffles where potential ticket sales are greater than $50,000 you are required to lodge your Licence Application with Office of Liquor, Gaming & Racing (OLGR) 28 days prior to your raffle launch.  If you are utilising a third party to assist with fundraising, then a Fundraising Agreement must accompany your application.

  • Special Category 3 – Can be conducted by Association or Individual to benefit individual(s) suffering from disadvantage or disaster. Queensland is the only state that allows for fundraising to benefit an individual in need. Contact the OLGR to check eligibility for this raffle permit.
Quick Reference Regulations

Below is a quick reference to some standard raffle regulations that apply in Queensland.

  • The total value of the prizes must be at least 20% of the estimated total ticket sales. Eg. If the prize value is $200, the maximum permissible ticket sales is $1000. So an association can have prizes to the value of $10,000 (20% of $50,000) without requiring a license.
  • For raffles where gross proceeds are greater than $10,000, an auditors certificate is required.
  • Prohibited prizes – more than $10,000 in cash, surgery, tobacco products, weapons or ammunition, other items restricted by State or Commonwealth Law, alcohol over a retail value of $1000.
Individuals fundraising for Charity

Unlike other states, in Queensland individuals or businesses are not permitted to conduct a raffle on behalf on a non-profit organisation or charity.

What next?

To kick start your online raffle pronto, we’ll send through our Raffle Planner. Just say the word.

Every state has it’s own raffle regulations.  Please Get in touch with RaffleLink to receive free tailor-made permit advice for your next raffle.

This government information was up-to-date at the time this blog was published. Always check with the QLD Government Portal for the latest forms & gaming licensing fees & charges.