The Key to an Ideal Thermomix Raffle

We have conducted an increasingly large number of Thermomix raffles all of which have been quite successful so I thought I would share the secret of their success.

I was surprised to learn from a friend that the Thermomix has apparently been around for many years.  My ignorance regarding kitchen devices aside, many of you may have noticed that the Thermomix is getting a real workout in recent times as a sought after raffle prize.


There is no upfront outlay for the prize.  Once the raffle is drawn and winner determined you can order and pay for the Thermomix using the raffle proceeds and arrange a demonstration for the prize winner by their local consultant upon delivery.

Let’s face it – most of us know someone, who knows someone who is a Thermomix consultant and can arrange the order of the prize.  However if your raffle is state wide simply get in touch with Thermomix Australia to locate the nearest consultant to the winner.


Great news for those who hate paperwork.  With the market price of a Thermomix now at $2579, it is possible to conduct this raffle in all state of Australia without requiring a raffle permit, except ACT and Western Australia. Other regulations may apply and we always encourage you to get in touch with us for free permit advice.

Raffle Audience

At the risk of sounding sexist, presumably you have chosen a Thermomix raffle because you have a predominantly female ticket buying audience.  Having said that, the last raffle we hosted had a male winner.  A Thermomix raffle is ideal for a Mother’s Day raffle, female oriented charities or those with large female supporter base, female sports clubs and schools.


Now that you know the raffle basics, the key to an ideal Thermomix raffle is ticket price, odds of winning, duration and promotion.

Ticket Price & Odds

Reviewing the data from our previous raffles, the two raffles with the higher ticket price and least number of tickets (ie. greatest odds) sold out before the raffle closed and also raised the highest proceeds.

Client 1 Raffle 1 300 tickets @ $15 Gross Proceeds $4500 Sold out
Client 1 Raffle 2 500 tickets @ $10 Gross Proceeds $3340
Client 2 350 tickets @ $16 Gross Proceeds $3408
Client 3 200 tickets @ $25 Gross Proceeds $5000 Sold out


Ticket buyers are more likely to enter the raffle when they have a greater chance of winner, even if the ticket price is higher.  You can see that when Client 1 opted for a greater number of tickets for a lesser price they did not do as well as their first raffle.

In each case the raffle organisers did not opt for ticket packages.    Past raffles have shown that when packages are offered, ticket buyers commit to a higher sales transaction than just a single ticket purchase. We are strong advocates of ticket packages which do not necessarily have to be discounted to attract buyers.  It may not occur to ticket buyers that they can buy more than one ticket unless you dangle that carrot in plain view.


A short, sharp raffle duration instils a sense of urgency that encourages the ticket buyer to make a quick decision about purchasing a ticket before they miss out.  The raffles which were only 1 month long sold their tickets more rapidly. We would recommend 4-6 weeks duration and no longer.


Create sharable promotional material that will spread the word about your raffle. Direct email and Facebook are probably the most popular ways to promote your raffle.  We have a selection of ready-made marketing material available for our clients on our website such as Facebook graphics and email templates.

Remind people to share your raffle page link with friends, family, work colleagues and community groups they are involved with.  Often people buy a ticket for themselves and think no further about passing on the promotion.

Promote your raffle on social media with a different look each time to keep audiences engaged.  They may not respond immediately to your first post or ad but changing your promo angle might be what grabs their attention with the next post and gets a sale, share or perhaps both.

Thermomix Raffle

Some promo topics are listed below.

  • The purpose for the raffle
  • The benefits of the prize “it slices, dices, yada yada…..”
  • Find a Thermomix recipe to share on
  • Ask people what their first meal will be in their new Thermomix
  • Announce the great odds of winning “only 200 tickets”
  • Focus on the short sales duration “limited tickets – don’t miss out – get your tickets now”
Take your Thermomix Raffle Online

Now that you have the key to an ideal Thermomix raffle, why not take the added stress out of your raffle management by going online.  Your raffle page can be up & selling in just 1-3 days.  By conducting your raffle online the administration of your fundraiser is easily managed allowing you to concentrate on promotion.  Sales will happen faster as there is no need to rely on face to face sales only. You can reach beyond your local community to sell tickets 24/7 in the farthest corners of your state and even interstate.  Unlike a traditional raffle you can easily kick start your next Thermomix raffle using our sales report to direct email previous ticket buyers.  Ask us how today.