Father’s Day Raffle Ideas & Planning

If you don’t have your Father’s Day Raffle planned it’s not too late.  We’ll help you tick all your planning boxes to get your raffle launched in time. Conducting your raffle online means it can be up & running in just 1-3 working days.  Plenty of time for pre-Father’s Day sales.

Now is the perfect time to make a start with planning your raffle.

Top Ideas for your Father’s Day Raffle

Below we’ve outlined our top ideas for getting your Father’s Day raffle launched on time.  There are distinct key factors to consider:-

Raffle Duration

For a Father’s Day raffle the ideal duration would be 4-6 weeks maximum with the draw date on or close to Father’s Day.  Any sooner and people will not be receptive to your advertising because it is too early to be front of mind for them.


Fundraising Target

A good guideline which is in keeping with many state’s regulations is to aim for 5 times the value of your prize pool.  That is if your prizes total $1000 in value then your Fundraising target should be a maximum of $5000.


Government Regulations

Make sure that you understand at the planning phase what regulations your raffle will need to abide by. In most cases, you will not be required to have a permit if your prize pool is under $5,000. Our RaffleLink website has a simple Permit Determiner tool which will allow you to check the regulations that will apply to your raffle.  When you get in touch with us, we will let you know what other regulations apply.


Ticket Price

When you select your price points, you should choose a ticket price that is comparable to your prize. Unique or high value prizes can command a higher ticket price.

Consider the demographic of your ticket buying audience and ask yourself “what would I pay for this ticket?”

An online raffle easily lends itself to a higher sales transaction at the click of a button.  Upsell ticket buyers by offering ticket packages eg. 1 ticket for $5, 3 tickets for $14, 5 ticket for $20 and so on.  RaffleLink provides ticket package suggestions during the planning of your raffle.


Target Audience

Consider your target audience when planning:-

  • prizes – obviously choose prizes that are male oriented
  • promotion – consider how are you going to reach your ticket buying audience which is in fact female skewed


Raffle Prizes

Finding prizes can be your biggest hurdle in getting your raffle launched.  Below are some ideas for making this task a little less painful.

Gift hampers can be inexpensive and look fantastic.   Schools & clubs can ask members to each bring in one item to add to a hamper.  It may be food or drinks, coffee, spice rubs & sauces, beer & wine, bbq tools, gardening gloves, books, car care items, skin products, vouchers for a dinner out or a visit to the barber, scratchies, beach towel or sports goods to name just a few popular items.  Pinterest is a great place to find ideas to fill your hamper.

For a more substantial prize visit our Mega List of Raffle Prize Ideas for inspiration.  Consider all the things Dads love to do such as sports and adventure activities and the things they don’t like to do such as lawn mowing and landscaping.  For help with how to approach these businesses and ask for a donated prize visit our blog for tips on asking for raffle prize donations.  Allow at least 2-3 weeks if you go in search of donated prizes.



Once your ducks are in a row for your planned raffle, think about your promotion so that you can hit the ground running as soon as your raffle launches.  Often there is a lag in raffle promotion because you have been concentrating on getting your raffle started and not looking forward.

Consider your target audience and how you are going to reach them.

For more on raffle promotion visit our blog – Top 10 Raffle Promotion Ideas

What next?

To kick start your online raffle pronto, we’ll send through our Raffle Plan. Just say the word.