Raffle Regulations for South Australia – A Simple Guide


In Australia raffles are considered to be gambling and each state has its own raffle regulations overseen by a government body.  So, when planning a raffle your first consideration should be reviewing the raffle regulations for South Australia.

Our permit summary will help fast track your raffle launch but cutting to the chase on the more important SA regulations.

Is your organisation a not-for-profit?

Lotteries, as they are known in South Australia, can only be conducted by an association not formed for private gain, including, but not limited to charities, social clubs, political parties, registered clubs, sporting clubs & trade unions.  Associations must have at least 10 members, an elected management committee and a constitution.

Will you require a raffle permit?

In South Australia the value of your prize pool will determine whether or not you require a permit, so bear this in mind when planning your raffle.  It might be worth keeping below the threshold to avoid the paperwork.

There are 2 lottery categories based on the value of your prize pool.

Minor Lotteries

A licence is not required to conduct a minor lottery where the total retail value of all prizes is $5000 or less. This is great news for smaller organisations and honestly, you don’t require a huge prize to draw in some decent funds.

Major Lotteries

Where the total prize pools is over $5000 a licence will be required and your application must be submitted at least 14 days prior to raffle commencement.  Once issued this licence number must appear on the tickets and all advertising.

After your major lottery has ended you will need to complete a Finance Statement to submit to the government

If you enlist the aid of RaffleLink to assist with your Major lottery then we will supply you with a Fundraising Agreement which must be submitted with your licence application.

General Lottery Requirements

There are a few stand out regulatory requirements that you must be adhered to whether you are conducting a Minor or Major Lottery.

For example, “the total retail value of all prizes in the lottery must be not less than 20% of the total face value of all tickets in the lottery.”   In other words, the most you would be able to fundraise is 5 times the total value of your prize pool.  So with a prize pool of $5000 you would not need a permit and could fundraise up to (5 times) ie. $25,000.

At least 15% of the gross proceeds of the lottery must be applied to an approved purpose.

Children under 15 cannot sell tickets unless accompanied by an adult.

Discounted ticket packages are allowed, although you must stick to the 20% of prize to fundraising ratio, so if you offer discounted packages you will be loosing profit.

It is interesting to note that for a minor lottery, you cannot offer gifts or inducements to enter the raffle other than the prizes that are on offer, however for a major lottery, inducements may be offered to ticket buyers/sellers in the way of bonus tickets and gifts.

Prohibited Prizes

The usual prohibited goods apply and really they are just common sense – Tobacco, Firearms & Ammunition, Dangerous Goods, Cosmetic Surgery and any items that cannot be legally sold in Australia.

Links to Lottery Conditions & Fact Sheet

For detailed information please refer to the website link


What next?

To kick start your online raffle pronto, we’ll send through our Raffle Plan. Just say the word.

If you’re planning to sell tickets in other states

Every state has their own raffle regulations. Please Get in touch with RaffleLink to receive free tailor-made permit advice for your next raffle.

This government information was up-to-date at the time this blog was published. Always check with Consumer and Business Services http://www.cbs.sa.gov.au  for the latest forms & fees.