School Raffle Ideas – Go Online Case Study

Sending your next school raffle online could be the best fundraising move you will ever make.

We will look at a case study of a recent online raffle to explore the various online school raffle ideas available.

A raffle can be a large fundraiser for schools, but the effort involved is mammoth.

Schools often rely on school families to purchase their raffle tickets.  Usually a book of raffle tickets comes home and families end up purchasing the full book themselves.  Modern families are too busy with extra-curricular activities to accompany their child door to door selling raffle tickets to their neighbours.

Then there is the labour intensive part for the raffle coordinator of recovering the tickets and the money in a timely fashion.  Sometimes this can drag out well past the raffle’s conclusion with missing tickets and parents promising to get the money to you when they see you next.

Sound familiar?

Most people who conduct the school’s annual raffle are scarred by the arduous experience and are not rushing back to do it all again the following year, instead leaving the task for the next unsuspecting victim.

As they say “necessity is the mother of invention” and it takes a person scarred by a school raffle to search for “a better way”.  Until recently there has not been a solution – until RaffleLink.

Schools find RaffleLink particularly usefully in easily managing the administrative side of the raffle so they can concentrate on promoting their raffle.

Whether your school wishes to sell raffle tickets just within the school families or to the wider community, RaffleLink makes the job so much easier.

Case Study – Knox Grammar School

After a brief phone consultation we determined that Knox Grammar would not require a permit for their planned raffle, making the raffle setup up quick and easy.  The RaffleLink page template helps to keep all our raffles within regulations & legal.   Knox Grammar registered their online raffle on Monday and by Friday ticket sales had commenced.


Many people feel it is necessary to have a huge prize pool to attract ticket buyers such as a car or expensive holiday.  Overspending with your prizes will bite into your profit.

That was not the case with Knox Grammar whose prize pool amounted to $3700 with 1st prize valued at just $850.  Their raffle was able to generate gross proceeds of $16230 in just 5 weeks proving that not everybody wants to win a car and people are just as happy with a weekend escape.  After all it is first and foremost a school fundraiser.

Generic prizes are best for use in a school raffle so that your raffle will have the widest appeal.  Sometimes it is difficult to secure a decent donated 1st prize and that’s where RaffleLink can assist with our prize sourcing service.  However do try and get your runner up prizes donated to keep your costs to a minimum.

Ticket Pricing & Packages

Too often schools opt for a $2 ticket price which usually devalues their prize pool.  Whichever ticket price you decide upon, ensure that you offer ticket packages.  Packages are an excellent way to upsell the ticket buyer to a higher purchase.  Reward the buyer with more tickets and chances to win when they spend more.

Although Knox Grammar had a single ticket of $5 which is fair price for the prize pool, the average sales transaction was $40.77 with the majority of ticket buyers choosing a $25, $35 or $50 package.


Just because your raffle is available on the internet, doesn’t mean ticket sales will automatically come.  Buyers need to be able to find your raffle page and that takes promotion.  Thankfully, now that you don’t have to worry about the raffle administration, your time is free to promote your raffle.

Knox Grammar promoted their raffle to the school community by sending emails, and push notifications and using social media twice a week.  In response to my observation of their sales report, the raffle coordinator noted “You are definitely right in saying each time we send a reminder, the sales go up.”

On Facebook they created a post with a photo carousel of prize images which looked fantastic.

Why not make your next school raffle hassle free and get in touch with us today.