Christmas Raffle – It’s not too late

Go Ahead. Launch a Christmas Raffle – It’s not too late

The festive season is fast approaching and it is the ideal time to appeal to people’s joyous generosity with a Christmas Raffle.  Alas! You have run out of time… but have you?

Of course not.  You can conduct a decent Christmas raffle with 8 weeks of selling time as long as you take your raffle online.  We can show you how to create a raffle that won’t require raffle permits, so that your online Christmas raffle can be up & selling within 1-3 working days from registration.

I will break it down into steps so you can get a feel for just how easy it can be.

Step 1
Christmas Raffle Prizes

After witnessing the launch of a few hundred online raffles, I’ve observed that when valuable selling time is lost due to the delay in sourcing raffle prizes, the raffle’s chance of success is affected.

Searching for donated prizes to reduce costs takes time you haven’t got because if you are reading this blog then chances are that you’re at the pointy end of getting your Christmas raffle launched.

If you are pushed for time before the raffle’s planned draw date, then I would firstly suggest a smaller prize value as your selling time is limited.

50 50 Raffle

To go from an idea to launching your raffle in just one day, you can’t go past a 50 50 Raffle.  The ideal prize for a Christmas raffle is CASH – highly sought after and right when people need it most.  A 50 50 raffle offers 50% of funds generated by the raffle as the 1st and only prize.  Read more about 50 50 Raffles in our dedicated blog.

Thermomix Raffle

Thermomix raffles are popular because you can commence immediately without needing a permit or having the prize in your possession.  After the raffle is draw simply arrange for a Thermomix consultant nearest to the winner to delivery the prize and provide a demonstration at the same time.  See the key to an ideal Thermomix Raffle here.

RaffleLink Prize Sourcing

RaffleLink offers its clients a prize sourcing service.  We have a corporate account at a selection of businesses where we can source a variety of discounted prizes to suit your budget and ticket buying audience.

Learn more about prize sourcing.

Step 2
Planning your Christmas Raffle

Once your prizes are finalised, you can move on to planning your raffle.  Your main considerations here are permits and deciding on ticket pricing and raffle duration.

Permits – can severely delay your raffle launch and are best avoided.  In Australia, you can conduct a raffle in most states if your prize pool value is $5000 or less.  ACT is an exception as your prize pool needs to be $2500 or less to avoid a permit.  Some permits such as QLD & NT are based on your potential total ticket sales. Contact us for tailored permit advice to fast track your raffle launch.

Ticket price – we recommend that your single ticket price be equal to .1% (yes, point 1 percent) of your total prize pool value.  Ie. if your prizes have a market value of $5,000, then your single ticket price should be $5.  Ticket packages are essential to boosting sales and this is easy done with the click of a button online.  Most people buy more than one ticket when entering an online raffle.  We’ve found that online buyers purchase up to 3 times more in dollar value.  Higher sales with less effort.

Duration – usually depends on your prize value; the higher the value, the longer the raffle.  Also consider if there is public or school holidays that will impact on buying behaviour.  8-10 weeks of sales in the lead up to Christmas should give you enough sales time.  For schools, you will lose 2 weeks of sales before Xmas when school holidays commence.

This handy Raffle Checklist & Plan is a useful tool to get your planning started.

Step 3
Online Raffle Registration

When your Raffle Plan is ready, simply transfer this information to our Online Raffle Registration to begin creating your raffle page.  At this stage, the launch of your raffle is in your hands.  We have established pages within an afternoon, but you should allow up to 3 days to finalise your page.

Step 4
Promote your Raffle

Share your newly created raffle page immediately via the social media icons embedded on your page. Our Raffle Promotion Checklist and suite of marketing material will have you promoting your raffle in no time.

Step 5
Drawing your Raffle

When the time comes to draw your raffle, simply push the “Draw Raffle” button in your Raffle Admin.


It is that easy.  Get in touch now and knock this task out of the park.