Asking For Donations RaffleLink Blog

Asking For Raffle Prize Donations

Asking people to raffle prizes donations can be intimidating, especially over the phone or face to face.   Many people fear flat our rejection while others are scared of having to answer questions about why their cause is so important.  The truth is you will have better chance of receiving a raffle prize donation if you […]

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Fundraising Raffle to Support The Haven Inc

The Haven Centre Inc

The Haven Centre Inc Help Joan provide a safe haven for all Joan Sutherland, backbone of The Haven, celebrates her 70th birthday on March 26 – she is asking friends to donate in lieu of gifts.  In support of this legend, Vic Park businesses have pledged amazing prizes for her 70th Birthday Fundraiser Raffle! The Haven is a Vic Park institution that […]

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Fun run participants

Fun Run Fundraising for charity

Fun Run Fundraising Fun run fundraising for charity is an intrinsic part of society these days.  Fun runs are virtually synonymous with charity fundraising with many major events providing participants an opportunity to fundraise for the event charity or a charity of their choice. If you’ve signed up for a fun run then you’ve probably […]

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Father’s Day Raffle Ideas & Planning

If you don’t have your Father’s Day Raffle planned it’s not too late.  We’ll help you tick all your planning boxes to get your raffle launched in time. Conducting your raffle online means it can be up & running in just 1-3 working days.  Plenty of time for pre-Father’s Day sales. Now is the perfect […]

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Online Fundraising

Online Fundraising Idea – Raffle Case Study

Increasingly in today’s society people are looking for easy options for fundraising with demand creating the advent of online fundraising.  One relatively new online fundraising idea is an online raffle. Like many schools St Scholastica’s College P&F Association decided to conduct a Mother’s Day raffle and the coordinator, Linda was handed the task. Let’s see […]

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Mega List of Raffle Prize Ideas

Sourcing raffle prizes can give you one giant headache so RaffleLink have devised some tips to help you choose raffle prizes that will sell tickets. We’ve also put our heads together to begin compiling a mega list of raffle prize ideas and we’d love you to add to it. But first, here are a few […]

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